Choosing the right size instrument for your aspiring young musician can make a big difference as they progress along their educational path. If your child has a private or school music teacher, ask them what size is appropriate. Chances are teacher knows best...
The following guide can also be used to size your child for their new instrument. Measure from the neck by the collarbone to the center of the palm. If in doubt, always choose the smaller size.
- Up to 15 1/4″ : order 1/16 size violin or cello
- 15 1/4″ up to 16 3/4″ : order 1/10 size violin or cello
- 16 3/4″ up to 17 1/2″ : order 1/8 size violin or cello
- 17 1/2″ up to 18 3/4″ : order 1/4 size violin or cello, 11″ viola
- 18 3/4″ up to 20 1/4″ : order 1/2 size violin or cello, 12″ viola
- 20 1/4″ up to 22 1/8″ : order 3/4 size violin or cello, 13″ viola
- 22 1/8″ and up : order 4/4 (full-size) violin or cello
- 23 1/4″ up to 24 7/8″ : order 14″ viola
- 24 7/8″ up to 25 5/8″ : order 15″ viola
- 25 7/8″ up to 26 3/8″ : order 15.5″ viola
- 26 3/8″ up to 27 1/8″ : order 16″ viola
- Over 27 1/4″ : order 16″ or 16.5″ viola
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