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Employment Opportunities

Work for Us!

The Long Island Violin Shop is hiring! The positions we are hiring for are available below. If you are a hard-working and motivated individual who loves making music, then we'd love to talk to you!

To apply for any of the positions below, please send your resume and fill out our application for employment and send them to Please include your work as well as your musical experience.


Private Lesson Teacher

We are seeking top-notch teachers for our Lesson Program.  If you are interested in teaching (violin, viola, cello, bass, piano) at one of our locations, please contact us! 

TO APPLY: Please email your resume to joanne@liviolinshop.comResume must include education, work, music-related experience (years playing your instrument, orchestras in which you’ve played).

Luthiers, Luthier Trainees

We are always seeking experienced luthiers but are willing to train the right person. If you are interested, please e-mail or call us!  We would love to speak with you.

If you are interested in any position, please send a resume, including information about your musical, as well as your work experience to
