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Repairs & Restorations

If you have specific questions about pricing for repairs, please don't hesitate to call our store during normal business hours or email us at and we will be happy to answer all of your questions.

Caring for the musical needs of you and your instrument are the core of what we do, from regular maintenance and tone adjustments to complex issues of player comfort and larger restorations

Whether you need simple maintenance or a major restoration, our repair service are second to none. Out workshop, led by Master Violin Maker Charles Rufino, will care for you and your instrument with sensitive artistry, treating your instrument as if it were our own

We are know for not only solving existing problems but foreseeing and forestalling developing ones. The subtle and complex relationship between you and your instrument are taken into account in all our repair work, so we always examine the instrument carefully before giving an estimate of repair. Rest assured, no work is ever undertaken without your prior consent.

Every instrument that comes through our door passes through our Ten Point Inspection to ensure your satisfaction whether you are a student of professional.


The reputation we have attained for the quality of our repair work is no accident.  It is the result of strict adherence to rigorous traditions of excellence.

When you entrust us with your instruments or bows for repair, we subject them automatically to a ten-point inspection of key points, looking to resolve the problems that are present as well as those which may not yet have manifested themselves.  We try to do this even if you are just visiting the shop and are not aware of any problems.

We rely on this shorthand mnemonic to ensure every part of the instrument or bow is checked.  To spell out each and every detail we evaluate under each of these points would take many pages of text and possibly try your patience and interest.  But if you would like to know more, we would be please to explain some of the minutiae of our methods.

10 Point Instrument Inspection

Tailpiece & Chinrest

10 Point Bow Inspection

Straightness & camber
Adjuster and eyelet
Leather ring
Excessive wear on stick
Pearl slide & eyes 

