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Alfred Ernst Schenk Violin 1882

$ 5,800.00 Regular price $ 6,500.00

It's always exciting when an older instrument comes into the shop.  This violin labelled Alfred Ernst Schenk, 1882, created quite a stir when it arrived.  The label states that it is a copy of Paganini Guarnerius.  It is based on the Maggini pattern.  Look closely at the photo of the scroll and you will see that it has an extra twist, a double scroll.  The purfling is also doubled.  

The striking varnish, lovely, flamed maple back add to the charm of this 19th century antique violin.  Its voice is clear, warm and projects very well and has that "Old World" sound not found in most modern-day instruments.  

This instrument was set up and tonally adjusted in our shop and has an amazing tone.  A special instrument that will be a perfect step-up for the advanced student, serious adult amateur, or college bound music major.  


Alfred Ernst Schenk Violin 1882

$ 5,800.00 Regular price $ 6,500.00
